作者: 单歌 2023-09-23 22:50:53 影视问答 118
名词1. 空气;大气2. 压缩空气3. 天空;空间4. 微风It is free from air, moisture or impurities.它不含空气,水份和杂物。

In the air在流行中,在传播中With a superior air态度傲慢地The air of a prince王者之风air strangler空气阻气门,空气阻塞门
用英语介绍我是一个书虫?I love reading books. My parents bought me the first book since I was 5 years old. it's called the little prince. although the book has half pictures and half words,I still love reading it. I had read over and over the book because I like the story and the pictures inside. it inspired me how to find something belongs to myself. upon finishing the little prince,I asked my parents to buy me more books to read. in order to learn more,I went to the public libraries to read different kind of books,magazines once I have free time. I can sit and read in the library all day long. sometimes even forget to have meals. that's why I got a nickname bookworm.以上的内容就是用英文介绍我是如何从小喜爱看书,一直到长大后,对读书孜孜不倦的兴趣,所以家里人都给了一个书虫的外号的过程。

名词1. 空气;大气2. 压缩空气3. 天空;空间4. 微风It is free from air, moisture or impurities.它不含空气,水份和杂物。
In the air在流行中,在传播中With a superior air态度傲慢地The air of a prince王者之风air strangler空气阻气门,空气阻塞门

n. 空气,大气;天空;样子;曲调
vt. 使通风,晾干;夸耀
vi. 通风
The whole issue was thoroughly aired at the meeting.
in the air在空中;悬而未决;在流传中;不设防
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